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Dating Overseas - Why Younger Women Want Older Men

Couple on a beach
Understand why some women like older men. | Photo by Huy Phan from Pexels

There are a lot of men who have found themselves perusing online dating articles in order to get a better grasp of dating over the internet. Many of those men have found that expanding their scope beyond their own borders may be somewhat beneficial to them, so they try their hand at dating overseas in order to land a woman who is a bit younger than they are.

There are a lot of reasons that these men are attracted to such women. There are also a lot of reasons why these men are able to draw such women to them. But what happens when a man is actually able to succeed at dating a younger woman?

If a man does manage to start dating a woman who is a little bit behind him in terms of life experience, there are a few things he may have to do in order to maintain her interest in him. Online dating sites can help a man find someone, but staying together with that person is a different matter entirely.

Getting someone’s interest is something that a lot of people struggle with. Keeping that same interest once it is gained can be even more difficult. After all, interest is something that can wax and wane like the phases of the moon.

Luckily there are a few things that a man can do in order to make sure that there is more waxing than there is waning.

  1. Keep Fit
  2. The thing about dating younger women is that the women in question are people and they tend to have preferences when it comes to their partners.

    There is no denying that people want to be with people that they find physically attractive. People who are considered to be physically attractive are seen as more trustworthy, regardless of whether or not they actually are. But not everyone is naturally attractive.

    Some people work hard at being perceived as attractive because there are ways of achieving that without being born with a metabolism that burns through calories no matter how much is consumed and a perfectly symmetrical face. One way that people get that attractiveness is through exercise.

    Exercise can help to keep a person fit and fit people are generally perceived as more attractive than those who are not as fit.

  3. Eat a Balanced Diet
  4. Another way to keep fit and be more easily able to draw attention is to eat right. Eating the right food in the right portions can be beneficial to someone who wants to be healthy.

    As an added bonus, eating right can also help to increase energy levels, which can make overseas dating a little easier since a man may have to walk everywhere when he is overseas since he may not have reliable access to transportation.

    Another benefit to having more energy is being able to better keep up with a woman who is a lot younger, which makes dating a lot easier since constant stops and starts can really spoil the mood.

    Having energy is especially important for older men since their bodies tend to produce less testosterone as they get older which can sap a man of his vitality.

  5. Proper Posture
  6. Another thing that men should do is to stand up straight. Having proper posture is important because it can make a man look taller. Women tend to prefer men who are a little above average in terms of their height.

    Of course, most men are not going to hit the mark that is considered tall since only about 14% or so of men in the United States actually hit over six feet or more, with most men hovering around the average of five-foot-nine or so.

    But proper posture can help make a man look taller even if he actually is not all that tall. Also, he can always just buy lifts and slide them into his shoes if he wants a few extra inches to his height.

    There is a lot that can be put on an online dating profile and some of it may not be true. One thing a person can put on their profile is their height and some men lie about how tall they are either because they want to attract attention or they are deluding themselves.

    But when the time comes to meet the woman a man meets on a free online dating site and she sees that he is not in fact over six feet tall, her excitement deflates a little bit. So either stand up straight or be honest on your profile.

  7. Be Funny in Person
  8. Humor is a pretty important thing to a lot of women. A lot of women like it when a man is able to make them laugh. So a man who is dating women should probably work on his zingers if he wants to get them to want him.

    But a man should also remember that humor is subjective. Just because his boys found it funny does not mean that a woman from a foreign country is going to understand the joke. Make sure your jokes are not taboo and culturally offensive.

  9. Relax
  10. Another thing a man should do if he wants to get women to want him is be relaxed. Being stiff and unrelaxed can be pretty off-putting to a lot of people. It can make him seem stilted and not at all like a desirable partner.

    Also, being anxious can mess with a person’s head. Thinking of all the things that can go wrong can stop someone from making sure that things go right.

  11. Smell Good
  12. A man who wants to get women to want him will probably do well to spritz on a little bit of cologne. Smell is linked to memory, so smelling good can make a man seem more desirable in hindsight. He should also be careful to not use too much cologne since that can be a bit of a turn-off for a lot of women.

    There are a lot of things that a man can do to get women to want him while dating overseas. Getting that attention can be something that leads to love.